A Stay-at-home Mom’s Guide to Legitimate Ways to Earn Money From Home

Whether you chose to stay at home, in-between jobs, or burned-out at work, we Stay-at-Home-Moms would all want to bring in extra income to the household. But in these challenging times, how exactly can we do that?
Here are six legitimate ways to earn money from home ideas you may want to try:
1. Selling. This has been a favorite of SAHMs since time immemorial. Testament to this are the many sari-sari stores lining the streets. If you are not into retailing perishable goods, then why not try your hand in companies like Avon, Natasha and the like?
2. Online Selling. If you have WiFi connectivity at home then why not set-up shop in the World Wide Web. Double up your efforts by setting up in FB then sites like OLX? Don’t know what to sell? If you are crafty, make your own bracelets, headbands, accessories, etc. If you are into cooking, why not sell baked goods? If you do not have the capital, why not consign? Will do a future post on this, butselling and online consignment is really easy. Suppliers can even dropship for you, or send the packages your clients ordered to you on your behalf! Time at FB Friends lang ang puhunan, literally.
3. Insurance. Some may find you annoying once you start asking if they want a memorial insurance, but hey, if you are able to sell them a policy, then you are in for commissions!
4. Enlist Husband’s Help. If your husband is supportive of your ‘side business’ then ask him if he is willing to ask out his officemates if you can prepare their “baon” for them, and husband will ‘deliver’ the goods to them in the morning or during lunch break. I remember the MMDA Traffic Enforcer who sells the Suman made by his wife, you on the other hand can offer pack-lunches in microwaveables, posh sandwiches, or you can of course sell Suman as well if you like. This trick can also work for your neighbors, especially if you have a boardinghouse or studio apartments next to your house.
5. Writing. You can write for a site, create your own blog, or go to sites that offer spot cash for writing. It is something that you can do well if you have the love and knack for it
6. Baby Sitting. Although having a Yaya is commonplace in our country, not everyone has on for a number of reasons: economical, no luck of getting a good yaya etc. Take advantage of this. Get to know the moms in your neighborhood, and give them a hint that you are fine to oversee their kids whether on an emergency basis (when the Yaya is suddenly gone, or they simply cannot attend to their kids), or a regular basis, if you really can handle that. Just devise a plan like will the kid eat meals from your house, how long will he stay there etc. P200-250 a day is not so bad for a free playmate for your kid. Most daycares charge 300-500 daily for a dull day’s worth of child care excluding food and snacks so you may want to make adjustments on your rate if you will be feeding your ward off your kitchen. Just be mindful of possible allergies of course.