Happy Pinay Mommy

Taking the stress out of working from home

Work from home Philippines is possible, and interested moms should give it a try.
Work from home Philippines is possible, and interested moms should give it a try.

My youngest child loves playing with my keyboard and so I allow him to type away in it. I detach it from my laptop and let him press all those keys that he would like to explore. So whenever I see him trying to reach for it on my work from home office desk, I just unplug it from the laptop and hand it to him because it makes him really happy.

Work from home philippines
Take the stress out of working from home by reminding yourself why you chose to be home in the first place.

Saw him the other day though laying on the floor and somewhat hugging the keyboard. The sight made me sigh and silently whisper “tunay talagang wala aking magagawa nito kasi kinuha na nya pati keyboard” eveb if I was not planning to work during that soecific time.

Work From Home Philippines

The sight also reminded me of my super struggling monster mom days of trying to juggle mothering achie and my then youngest shobz. I was so heartbroken then to not be able to do my part time freelance writing or any housechores when they are up and about.
Fast forward to another baby later, well I still struggle sometimes but since I have learned to accept that they need me a lot, i do not dare to multi-task so much.

I have decided to accept that fact because it helped me decide to just retain clients I really enjoy working with, to write blogposts that are really helpful to fellow Filipina mothers. To not be pressured by anything because in reality, i decided to stay home because I want to take care of my kids and watch them grow every single day.

So from the time I decided to accept that I cant do much when my kids are still awake, I have become a calmer and more playful mom. If they want to nurse, we sit down. If they want me to read with them, we go read. If they want to play with the clothes Im folding, i just let them be because in reality, what can I do? They will not understand even if i threaten to get mad or turn into beastmode right?

So I just wait for their bedtime — which I decided to have earlier than most households — so I can get things done, have adult conversations with Capt Barbel and at the same time work on my website.

Do i still get stressed? Yes, but i am much calmer now, especially when the mister reminds me why I chose to stay and work from home in the first place.

Hope you can follow us on Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest for regular doses of mommy musings, most Happy Pinay Mommies can relate to.

A Happy Homemaker is a Happy Pinay Mommy!

Meanwhile here’s a video on tips on working from home with kids:

How to Cook Easy Chicken Sisig

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