Happy Pinay Mommy

Sisterhood of the working mommies club

I would have never imagined I could survive my worklife without having my ‘sister’ moms in the workplace. There is no formal ‘mom’s’ club, but an informal friendship with motherhood as our common denominator. Id have my friend G to thank for most days. She was like the elder sister I never had. She was […]

Lady of La Leche, St.Gerard, and other patron saints of motherhood

Thank you for heeing my requests for intercession, St. Gerard and Our Lady of La Leche.

I am not a very religious person, but I was brought up as catholic and I try to live like one. Prayer has always been my ally way back when im younger, and moreso now that I am a parent. In fact the mother of all mothers for me is the Mother of Perpetual Help, […]

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