Ongoing Cloth Diaper Sales and Promos in the Philippines – Part 2

CLICK HERE FOR UPDATED PROMOS FOR MID AUGUST 2015 Hi Mommies, here is part two of the Ongoing Online Cloth Diaper Sales and Promos in the Philippines. These are Online and FB Cloth Diaper shops and does not include WAHMs or those in brick and mortar stores. If you haven’t read the first part of […]
Ongoing Cloth Diaper Sales and Promos in the Philippines – Part 1

CLICK HERE FOR UPDATED PROMOS LIST MID AUGUST 2015 It is but natural for us mommies to be on the look-out for ways to stretch our budget. As it is choosing to use cloth diapers is a great way to save already but cloth diaper sales and promos could make you stretch that peso even […]