Where to buy Sun Baby Cloth Diapers in the Philippines

Hi mommies! Are you looking for online shops where you could buy Sun Baby cloth diapers in the Philippines? Sun baby is one cloth diaper brand that some moms choose because of its snug fit and reliability. It is cheaper than Kawaii and Bum Genius diapers, but a lot of moms have been raving about its […]
Where to Buy Zorb Inserts in the Philippines

Ask any cloth diapering mom about their nighttime solution, and Zorb Inserts will emerge as one of their favorite nighttime boosters. Zorb fabric is a leading brand of super absorbent fabric, which according to its official website, it is made of fast and super absorbent material such as wicking and highly absorbent fibers. It is […]
Cloth Diaper Safe Detergents in the Philippines

cloth diaper safe detergents in the phiippines Cloth diapers are a form of investment, best taken cared of. One of the major concerns of cloth diapering moms is finding cloth diaper safe detergents in local supermarkets. I am not a cloth diaper expert but all cloth diaper washing directions come with the instruction that you should […]