Happy Pinay Mommy

Where to Buy Quadfold and Trifold Inserts in the Philippines

Where to Buy quadfold and trifold inserts in the Philippines

Ask any experienced Momma of a Cloth Diapered toddler or even an ultra-heavy-wetter baby about their nighttime inserts combo and most likely they will mention tri-fold or quadfold inserts. And why not? How can you go wrong when you have at least nine layers of bamboo-cotton, bamboo organic or bamboo charcoal absorbing all those nighttime […]

Filipino Soup Recipes for Breastfeeding Mommies

Filipino Soup Recipes for Breastfeeding Moms

  As breastfeeding moms, we are often told by our elders and other experienced moms that soup will help us make more milk. And based on my experience, it really helps! Apart from helping with milk production, it also helps comfort our tired and sleepy bodies especially during the newborn stage when we do not […]

Where to Buy Hemp Inserts in Manila

hemp inserts in manila

Where to buy hemp inserts in manila? Check out these shops. (Photo Credits)Apart from Zorb, which i mentioned in my previous article here, one of the most recommended nighttime boosters of experienced cloth diapering moms is Hemp. Apart from it being super absorbent or thirsty, it is trim ergo it will not bulk up your […]

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