I have long been posting about meal ideas for Filipino babies and toddlers. After my bout with picky eating care of my eldest, I tried a different approach to introducing solids to my second child Shobz. And since it turned out great, I carried on with the same approach to my youngest.
If you have been reading my blog for sometime, you would know that I am advocating the Baby Led Weaning Method and that I regularly post my children’s meals in Instagram and in our Facebook Album. If you are new here, I invite you to browse over our kids and baby section, or check out our FB album for these meal ideas.

In fact, I have posted additional meal ideas for your toddler and babies this week and we now have about 115 meal suggestions in our Facebook album. I am inviting you to revisit our Facebook Page and browse our nutritious, affordable and BLW-friendly baby and toddler meal suggestions. As i always say, these are all doable in the Filipino setting and is easy on the pocket.

If you are interested to know more about BLW from the person who developed it I would like to share with you the resource that we rely upon in our Baby Led Weaning journey. It is important to be abreast of what the whole concept is since there could be safety concerns when shifting or going back and forth with another weaning or food introduction method. All these of course is best explained by THE Gill Rapley 🙂
BLW is not easy — it is in fact tiring because of the kalat, but the journey is rewarding. IT WAS WORTH IT. My two younger kids eat whatever I offer them and I credit their being adventurous to BLW. So here I am advocating (not shoving, haha) this weaning method to whoever cares to ask. After all we do have a lot of options and we all know what is best for our kids.