Happy Pinay Mommy

Guestpost: 5 Unplugged Activities For Every Boy Out There

Hi there mommies! Sharing with you a guest post from Henry, a fellow writer and digital professional. He is sharing with us a write-up on his suggestions for unplugged activities for older kids like teenage boys. Hope you enjoy it! Teenagers are sometimes sensitive, hyperactive, and budding seekers. Mostly, parents start neglecting their teenage children […]

Another year of Breastfeeding

HAPPY NEW YEAR FELLOW MOMMIES! Sharing with you Shobe’s depiction of me breastfeeding little guy. Little guy is holding the *artwork* so that I can take a picture. Prior to this, Shobe was quietly drawing me nursing little guy while the nursling was standing up 😄 took a photo of it to remember to usher […]

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