Happy Pinay Mommy

Weekly Snack Baon Ideas 2023 Week 1

Restarting our weekly school snack baon ideas. Here is for week #1.

Been a long while since I posted in our Baon Series, so I thought of doing a hard restart. Before the pandemic, I regularly post weekly baon ideas to help out moms like me who are looking for what snacks to pack for their pre-schoolers and grade schoolers. Today, I will endeavor to begin a consistent series meant to help you generate ideas for your children’s everyday school snack, or baon.

I know it can be a bit hard to think of what to pack for our kids everyday, and that there are times we succumb to doing the easiest, which is to give them pre-packed snacks. While this is very convenient and helpful for most frazzled mornings, and for when we as moms are not feeling well, we all know that it is best to build good eating habits for our little ones.

I am not claiming of course that the snacks that I prepare are all made from scratch or ultra-healthy. Like most moms, I just strive hard to give them a good variety of snacks – mostly nutritious – to fill their tummies while in school. As they say, when tummies are not grumbling, the mind can better absorb lessons and teachings.

So here goes week #1 of our 2023 weekly school snack baon ideas:

I try my best to make the snacks look fun and delicious, not only for my gradeschooler, but for me too. I have discovered that as a Morning Lark / Early Riser, I find joy in preparing these baon snack boxes. It may not be at par with hardcore bento moms, but I try my best.

Finding joy in everyday chores

The silicone cups, picks, sauce containers, molds, bento boxes have all been accumulated through time. Here is my previous article where discussed where to buy Bento tools and accessories. I also discovered the joy of baking during the pandemic, and so it gave me more snack options to include in my kids’ bento boxes. You can of course buy from your favorite bakery stores if you do not have the time. What is important is we at least exert effort to give our kids a variety of school snacks that they will enjoy eating.

For your easy reference below is a chart you can take a screenshot of, as for the contents of the baon school snack boxes I prepared for the week:

Screenshot time for weekly baon school snack list:

MONDAYChocolate Cupcake, Hardboiled Eggs, Chicken Popcorn, Furikake Riceballs
TUESDAYEgg Salad Sandwich, Butter Cookies, Chicken Sausage Bites
WEDNESDAYCheese Bar, Brownie Bars, Breadsticks, Nutella Dip
THURSDAYDew Berry Strawberry Cookies, Strawberry Covered Biscuits, Chicken Floss Bread
FRIDAYTuna Triangle Gimbap, Egg Rolls, Chicken Sausage

Finding peace and resting in our Shepherd

Lastly, I hope you can allow me to share with you a bible passage that could hopefully help us moms throughout the week ahead. I take comfort in reading this quote from the Book of the Prophet Isaiah:

“He will lead His flock like a shepherd; He will gather the lambs in His arms; and carry them in His bosom, and gently lead the mother sheep.”

ISAIAH 40:11

I just find comfort that as a mom looked upon for guidance by my children, I am also being led by my Shepherd. My Sovereign God who knows my name, my children’s name, and yours too! In times when I feel that I am lost in making decisions for the family, or even everyday mundane choices, I get comforted knowing that there is a Shepherd that will lead me to the right path, to a safe place, and to peace.

I hope this week’s post has helped you in some way. Thank you for stopping by and see you on my next blog!

A Happy Homemaker is a Happy Pinay Mommy!  

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