Hello everyone! sharing with you a quick breakfast idea that could surely fill the tummies of your school aged children in no time!
This is Gyeran Bap, roughly translated as Egg Rice. I make it during frazzled mornings when I have super limited time to get breakfast on the table. Today is that day.
After a decade or so, morning rush no longer meant being stuck in traffic and listening to a radio show, it meant having super little time to feed my kids and make sure they do not get hungry until it is their recess time.
Gyeran Bap as a go-to breakfast
So there I cooked the quickest breakfast I know, and not just quick but satiating until their morning break!
Again, this happy breakfast is called Gyeran Bap. Nothing too fancy about it. Just newly cooked rice, topped with sunny side up egg, shredded gim or nori wrapper, soy sauce and sesame oil.
Just scoop mounds of rice in a bowl. Fry an egg sunny side style — the doneness of the yolk will depend on the preference of your child. Top the rice with the fried egg. Drizzle with sesame oil. Add shredded gim or nori. Add a few drops of soy sauce, and it is game time!
Happy breakfast, happy morning
My family never gets tired of eating this simple dish, and so when I am pressed for time, this is my go-to breakfast. It also assures me that their tummies are full, and that they can focus on their teacher’s lessons.
Thank you for stopping by and if you are on the lookout for more easy to cook dishes, hope you can check out our recipes and meal plans section here.
Food for the soul
At this point I hope you can allow me to share with you another bible passage that continues to inspire me. This time it is from the Book of Proverbs:
“Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. Then you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man.”
Proverbs 3:3-4
Again, thank you for being here and till next post!
A happy homemaker is a Happy Pinay Mommy!