Happy Pinay Mommy

Easy DIY bubble recipes you can make with your Kids

Just like clay, kids could not get enough of bubbles. I have earlier written about homemade clay, and in as suggested by my dear Achi, I have also decided to publish bubble recipes that are very easy to make. Achi and I have been exploring a lot of bubble recipes, from the simple Gumamela me […]

DIY Clay recipes you can make with your kids

To say that kids love clay will be an under-statement. If I want Achi to not bug me a lot during the day so that i could post in my blog, all I have to do is to give her her clay box and she will while away her time. The good thing here is […]

Where to Order Cloth Diapers with Birthstats in the Philippines

If you have been wanting to order a one-of-a-kind cloth diaper for your little one then might as well order a Birthstat Nappy for her. There are a lot of WAHMs that offer customized hand-made cloth diapers that show your baby’s name, birthdate, time or birth, birth weight etc. in different cool designs! Definitely a […]

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