Daily devotional: Accounting 101

Daily devotional, Nov 10, 2023 Accounting 101 “For whoever has will be given more, and they will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what they have will be taken from them.” Matthew 25:29 Today, November 10, is International Accounting Day — an annual event meant to promote the accounting profession. Accountants after all […]
Where to buy Baptismal Gowns Outfits in the Philippines

“ ” If you are already planning out the christening or baptism of your baby then this post is for you. I earlier wrote about the baptismal requirements for Catholics in the Philippines in this post, and we know that the next question is where to buy the outfit or baptismal gown. I was lucky […]
What Christmas 2020 will look like for Kids

Hi ladies, starting the week right by appreciating one of my children. I have been chronicling some stories about my middle child here in the blog. If you are new here, well, Siobs is my cheerful, rambunctious, yet super-duper kind daughter. The other day, she walked up to me while I was meal planning and […]