Happy Pinay Mommy

2015 No Entrance Fee Christmas Attractions for Kids in Manila

***If you landed here looking for a list of 2016 FREE Christmas Pasyalans then click here to go to my NEW POST on that**** If you are wondering where to bring your kids during the Christmas Break then this post is for you. I have compiled a list of some of the Christmas attractions for […]

Where to buy Christmas Dresses for babies in the Philippines

It can almost be considered tradition to dress little girls in nice and new dresses every Christmas. I remember one of my ninangs supplying metwo to three Christmas dresses year after year until i was too old for these. My mom though, still insists on buying and choosing one for me. Now that im a […]

Philippine Cloth Diaper WAHMs Stocking Schedules for December 2015

Christmas is less than three weeks from now. And may I ask you this question my fellow cloth diapering mama, does your baby have a Christmas or New Year’s Eve Nappy already?? If your answer is no then it is never too late! Our dear local WAHMs have prepared well for this and mostly have […]

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