Happy Pinay Mommy

How to Cook Tortang Dulong (P100 Ulam Idea)

I have been meaning to cook Tortang Dulong since I heard it is nutritious, and of course, it tastes great. We usually order this in a take-out place and it is served crunchy. So when we were shopping at the grocery, we saw this and the mister suggested that we give it a try. Easy […]

Daily devotional: Highway of blessings

Daily Devotional

Daily devotional, Feb 8, 2024 Highway of Blessing “The blessing of the Lord makes rich, and he adds no sorrow with it.” Proverbs 10:22 Many years ago as a student driver, I got really clammy whenever my Driving Instructor took me to the big highways. I was intimidated by the wide multi-lane roads that had big intersections, […]

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