Happy Pinay Mommy

Top 10 Baby Shower Gift Ideas For New Moms

Attending a baby shower party soon and havent thought of a gift yet? As moms we know that having a baby is an exciting phase of life and having a shower is one of the best ways to spoil a mom-to-be prior to becoming too busy with the new addition to their family, and help […]

Daily devotional: Sunset

Daily Devotional

Daily devotional, Feb 23, 2024 Sunset “Refrain from anger and turn from wrath; do not fret—it leads only to evil.For those who are evil will be destroyed, but those who hope in the LORD will inherit the land.” Psalm 37:8-9 Sunsets are always an amazing sight. It tells us that whether our day turned out […]

How to make Malunggay Iced Tea for Breastfeeding Moms

I have been breastfeeding non-stop since I became a mom, and Malunggay has helped me a lot in keeping my supply up. Malunggay iced tea for breastfeeding is a great companion for me, providing a good alternate to ice cold water. Pumping back when i was still working and I only had one child, nursing […]

Best Nail Cutter for Babies and Toddlers

As a first time mom many years ago, i was on the lookout for the best nail cutter for babies. If I were to ask you which type of nail cutter do you use for your baby/toddler? Found the pink one in the photo getting kinda rusty — we haven’t used it for many, many […]

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