Happy Pinay Mommy

How to cook easy baked tahong

I do not cook mussels or tahong all the time. But when I get to the grocery early, and I see some nice looking ones, I grab the chance and buy some so we could eat easy baked tahong (mussels). Baked mussels is one of the easiest dishes to make, except of course for the […]

Daily devotional: Barriers

Daily Devotional

Daily devotional, April 30, 2024 Barriers “When the righteous cry for help, the Lord hears and delivers them out of all their troubles.The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.” Psalm 34:17-18 There was a time when pink barriers were installed all over EDSA. Some liked it because it prevented buses from unloading their passengers anywhere […]

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