Daily devotional: The lost dog

Daily devotional, 30 May 2024 The lost dog “For you were straying like sheep, but have now returned to the Shepherd and Overseer of your souls.” 1 Peter 2:25 Lately, there are a slew of missing pet announcements in our community bulletin. Most of the notices encourage people to help find their lost dog or […]
Easy Tofu Tokwa Recipes Under P100.00

If you want to serve your family a protein-rich and nutritious dish without having to resort to meat – either for health reasons or to help save on expenses, the best way to go is to cook tokwa or tofu based dishes. Apart from being nutritious, Tofu and tokwa are really easy to cook, and […]
Natural and Baby Safe ways to kill ants

Moms, especially those that cloth diaper their little ones usually worry about the presence of ants during ant season – which in the Philippines, happens to be almost all year round. And while there are a lot of insecticide and spray solutions that can address this concern, not all are safe to be used in […]
Maid yaya and driver agencies in the Philippines

One of the biggest concerns of working parents is hiring competent, trustworthy and reliable yaya and househelp. With all the horror stories that have gone viral, the quest for the ultimate Inday has become more and more elusive for most families. And while most would say that the best househelp or nanny could be a […]
Quick Breakfasts for Pinoy School Kids

School will be starting soon, and let us expect traffic to further worsen. And the sad thing about it is, even school children sacrifice. I came up with the idea of coming up with an article on Quick Breakfasts for Pinoy School Kids because breakfast sometimes get skipped just so kids wouldn’t miss their school bus, […]