Daily devotional: Ma’am Karen

Daily devotional, June 01, 2024 Ma’am Karen “Everyone who is arrogant in heart is an abomination to the Lord; be assured, he will not go unpunished.” Proverbs 16:5 We were scrolling through our YouTube feed one night, and I saw a thumbnail that said “When Karens go against police officers.” I did not give it much […]
Options for Presko Time Breathable Cloth Diapers

For moms who are new at cloth diapering, the term “presko time” may be quite confusing as one of the main objectives behind cloth diapering is to provide a “presko” or breathable alternative to Disposable Diapers. But for cloth diapering veterans, “presko time” means letting your little one wear a cloth diaper that does not […]
Four Household Products for Your Mommy Hospital Bag

Packing the hospital bag is one task every pregnant mom needs to do. For veteran moms, and moms who have more than one child, there may be realizations on what they should have, and should have not brought with them to the hospital when they gave birth. Allow me to share with you four random […]
Kid-Friendly Vegetable Salads

It is a challenge to have children eat salads especially if they are not used to eating veggies. But there are salads out there that appeal to our children’s discriminating taste buds. So for those of you wanting to prepare nutritious salads for your family here are some suggested — Kid-Friendly Vegetable Salads: Crunchy Fish […]