Where to buy Carrier Oils in the Philippines

If you are looking for stores or shops to order carrier oils in the Philippines for your DIY Essential Oil Blends and Recipes then this post is for you. I have compiled here a list of stores and shops – both online and physical – that sell carrier oils in the Philippines. For those who […]
Daily devotional: The cave

Daily devotional, June 25, 2024 The cave “For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.” Luke 19:10 There was a story about a Thai football team that got stuck in a cave for 18 days, facing the threats of drowning due to rising floodwaters, and dying of hunger and thirst. […]
Week 1: Weekly school snack baon ideas

I posted over the weekend our weekly school snack baon ideas posts over at instagram @happypinaymommy. Im hoping to share with you on a weekly basis, the snack box contents of my little school girl so that newbie school mamas could have more ideas on what to pack for their school kids in the coming […]
Hoagie Roll (hotdog bun) Recipe

Sharing my labor of love brunch Sandwich for the hero of our life, the best papa in the house! Here is a Basic BLT (Bacon, Lettuce and Tomato) with Gruyere slices and some Kewpie mayo, plus my homebaked hoagie na trying hard maging subway roll. Our #irondad loved it and gave it a two thumbs […]