Daily devotional: Definition

Daily devotional, June 26, 2024 Mr. Webster “He will again have compassion on us; He will tread our iniquities underfoot. You will cast all our sins into the depths of the sea.” Micah 7:19 Growing up as a budding writer prior to the digital era, I treasured two books in our home library: my big […]
14 Bible Verses for Overwhelmed Moms

Here are some bible verses for overwhelmed moms that are just like me. I love my children to bits but there are times that I really am exhausted and drained beyond words. I should not be complaining at all because motherhood is a gift from God and so is the good health of everyone in […]
How to cook Eggplant with Minced Meat

Was looking for a new way to cook eggplant and here’s what I did — eggplant with minced meat. Essentially, it is eggplant topped with saucy ground pork, making it a perfect topping over steamed rice. Easy to cook, and less than a hundred pesos to make, it is definitely another entry in our annual […]