NEWBIE COOKING MAMA ALERT! Tortang Giniling with Potatoes and Malunggay could be one of the simplest recipes you can prepare for your family, especially your children. I remember we regularly have ground pork omelette as ulam when I was younger, and now that I have my own family, i want to regularly serve this dish too but with higher nutritional value.
And since malunggay complements even dry dishes, i decided to include it in the recipe and give it a try. Surprisingly, my children loved it! And another good thing about this is that it is yet another under P100 ulam idea that will fit our budget.
So without futher ado i will be sharing with you, newbie cooking mamas, this tortang giniling with potatoes and malunggay recipe for you to try.
Veggie Tortang Giniling Recipe:

250 grams lean ground pork
1 medium potatoes finely chopped
1/2 cup malunggay (i used dried in this recipe but fresh is best)
1 medium onion, chopped
2 cloves of garlic, minced
4 pcs eggs
ADULT SEASONING: Salt and pepper
Optional: 2-3 tbsp fresh milk
Optional: 1/4 cup minced carrots
Cooking Procedure for tortang giniling with potatoes and malunggay:

1. Saute garlic and onion.
2. Add in the ground pork (i preboil our ground pork to take out excess oils and fats and possible odor) and saute until cooked.
3. Add in potatoes.
4. add 1/4 cup of water and simmer until potatoes are cooked and liquid has evaporated (about 7-10 minutes).
5. Add in the malunggay (and the optional minced carrots) and cook for another two minutes.
5. Turn off the heat and set aside.
6. In a separate mixing bowl, beat the eggs and add the milk if desired. Separate a portion for your toddler or baby, so that you can season the egg mixture for adult consumption. Season the adult portion with salt and pepper.
7. Pour the meat mixture into the bowls. Mix each bowl until all of the ground meat and veggies have been incorporated.
8. Fry depending on your desired size. Some like it as big as the whole pan while others like to fry it burger patty sized.
9. Serve with ketchup!

So there you have it. Hope you will try this recipe and tell us about it. We can touch base through our Facebook, Instagram or Pinterest where we regularly post budget meal ideas, toddler and baby food recipes, as well as baon suggestions for your school aged kids. We also have meal plans posted here in the website and in our Facebook Albums.
Anyway, here is how I served the torta to my little guy:

If you have recipe ideas or any questions or suggestions, you may send us a message in FB or IG.
A Happy Homemaker is a Happy Pinay Mommy!