Happy Pinay Mommy

How moms can achieve work life balance

Achieving work life balance can indeed be elusive as some say it is and I am talking here as a part time work from home mom. I have been a full time working mom for about a couple of years and I know how hard it is really to find that balance. I can say it can be the holy grail of any working mom. Here are some ways we can try to achieve work life balance and this goes as well to those who are still transitioning from being a pregnant working mom to a fulltime and first time working mom.

How Moms Can Achieve Work-Life Balance

Although the global gender gap is still an issue in many countries, as a Filipino woman, you can rejoice that you have full parity in political and economic leadership. Furthermore, the Global Gender Gap report confirms that only four other countries have full parity in this area, and the Philippines ranks as the ninth most gender-equal country in the world. So it seems that Filipino women are standing strong in the gender stakes, and there are ways in which you can gain a work-life balance once you enter motherhood. It’s important to plan, be disciplined and consider other job options such as freelancing.

Work hard and plan

With it no longer being mandatory to retire at 60, many individuals may be choosing to work for longer. However, what about if you could retire earlier and do all the traveling you had always planned? If you put in the hard work and save for your future when your children are young, you could potentially retire early. You will need to maximize your earning potential, reduce expenses where possible, and – most importantly – plan. What you do for a living will need some careful thought.

Your old job

If you worked before you had children and you are looking to return to that role, then speak to your employer before your return. Discuss part-time working so that you can combine work life and family life and still spend time on each. Try and stick to your core hours, and where possible, refrain from checking work emails when you get home. When you are home, it is time to spend with your family. As working parents it is important to share domestic chores, so that one person does not find themselves trying to do everything.

Changing jobs

It may be an opportunity to retrain when you have children. Perhaps it’s not feasible to return to your old job, or maybe it’s time to follow your dreams and do something you have always wanted to do. Make sure you research your options and how the financial and personal challenges will affect you and your family. If you choose to freelance, think about how you will ensure you are fully competent in your role, how you will find customers, and how you will financially manage when initially the funds don’t flow in.

Working from home

Not every job can be carried out from the comfort of your own home, but it may be possible to do a day a week or now and again from home. If you solely work from home, ensure you try to work to a routine. Give yourself set hours to work when the children are in school or childcare, and accept that you are working during this time, not doing house chores. Allow yourself meal breaks, and ensure you have an ergonomically safe desk and chair set up so that you don’t give yourself posture issues or pains. Try to give yourself time off and holidays, and don’t work late into the evening when your brain may become too stimulated to allow sleep. It’s impossible to give your best to your family and work if you are functioning on very little sleep.

There is no set way to gain a perfect work-life balance as a mom, but there are options to consider. Flexible working is becoming more common the world over, and enhanced technology makes it easier to work from home and remotely. If you have to travel for work, try and keep trips short and irregular, and keep in touch with your family while you are away. It’s not easy to manage it all, but work hard with both family and work time, and aim for a comfortable work-life balance. Thanks for reading on and till next post!

A happy homemaker is a Happy Pinay Mommy!

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