Happy Pinay Mommy

Daily Mini Devotional: The Lord is with us in our motherhood journey

Daily Devotional

Daily Devotional for 29 July 2023:

The Lord is with us in our daily motherhood journey

I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you.Do not be like the horse or the mule, which have no understanding but must be controlled by bit and bridle or they will not come to you.

Psalms 32:8-9

One of the challenges of parenting grade-schoolers (or any older child for that matter) is being prudent about what we say. As parents we have to intentionally speak gentle words to children no matter the situation to show respect to them and of course to model good behavior.

This is however challenging especially during times when we are frustrated about their behavior, when we are too tired, when they act up because they are overtired, or when we have our own personal issues to deal with and cannot handle yet another difficult parenting situation.

The good news though is that the Lord promises to guide us in our parenting journey. His guiding hand is visible during the hardest seasons of motherhood, and also during the daily grind. He does not abandon us as we try to disciple the children that He entrusted to us.

Let us keep in mind His words of wisdom found over at Psalm 32:8-9 where He promised to be there for us, and tells us to keep our mouths and temper in check as we deal with the sticky life situations, which for us mothers mean every parenting day of our lives.   

We should intentionally seek Him and His guidance through regular bible study, daily quiet time and reflection, and Sunday worship with fellow believers.

Thank you for reading through our devotional today. I invite you to read James 3:1-12 so we could dig deeper on today’s topic.

Reflection Question: Are there areas of improvement in my parenting life where our bible reading today could guide me? How could I use it as an inspiration in navigating parenthood especially when the children are not as unlovable as I want them to be?

Conversation with the Lord: Heavenly Father, I hold on to your promise to guide me through my motherhood journey. I recognize my weaknesses, and I know only You can help me get past these so that I could be the best mom that you designed me to be. Help me become humble enough to ask for forgiveness from my children if ever I have said things that have hurt them, and let me follow your example of meekness, loving kindness and compassion. Amen.

Thank you for stopping by and till next post!

A happy homemaker is a Happy Pinay Mommy!

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