Daily devotional, January 13, 2023 Band-aid strip

"He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds." Psalm 147:3
My son comes to me almost every day asking for a Band-aid strip. He gets a scratch, a teeny tiny cut, or a small dot of wound, and his immediate recourse is to run to me and ask for that “skin sticker” of his. When he was much younger, it would mean some tears, some consoling and kissing on the booboo (wound site) and then patching-up the wound with the band-aid. Nevertheless, he has yet to outgrow his need for it.
Just like our kids who have become dependent on band-aids, we moms may have yet to outgrow band-aid solutions we employ in aspects of our life that suddenly seem challenging.
For instance, we turn to mindless scrolling on our social media feeds when we suddenly feel overwhelmed with our day. Instead of getting down to making a realistic task list, we zone out and check out what our “friends” have been up to and sometimes fall into the trap of comparing our lives with theirs.
"Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is." Ephesians 5:15-17
Another band-aid solution we may have yet to outgrow is not dealing with social frictions in a straightforward manner. For instance, when we have a misunderstanding with someone, we do not clarify the issue with the person involved and straighten things out with him. Instead, just to get it off our chest and feel better, we talk to someone else about it. Without us knowing we are already back biting, and enabling gossiping and rumor mongering if and when the information falls into the wrong ears.
The glorified “retail therapy” and “beauty and wellness sessions” are also types of band-aid solutions we moms are being pushed to employ. How many marketing gimmicks are anchored on telling us mothers that we deserve that spa or beauty treatment given the stresses of motherhood? Or that we are entitled to that designer bag simply because we have been working in and out of the house no end?
Finding comfort in things and experiences that the world has to offer, is sadly short-lived. How long do we, in reality, feel fabulous after a long day in a spa if we have to again, on the next day get our lovely hands wash poopy butts, chop vegetables, and wash dirty dishes?
"Turn my eyes away from worthless things; preserve my life according to your word." Psalm 119:37
How many times do we feel the need to “escape” our realities by booking that staycation, out of town trip, or out of the country sojourn even if it means paying for all the expenses in installment for the rest of the year? Finding solace for a short time may seem worth it, but have you ever wondered why tranquility evades you the moment reality sets in?
"And the world is passing away, and the lust of it; but he who does the will of God abides forever."
1 John 2:17
When we really do not like our everyday lives, we have to sit down, reflect, and think about why we feel the way we feel. And the good news is there is a solution at hand, and it is not a band-aid type. It is long term, and it promises to change your life forever.
In King David’s Psalm 37, which bible scholars say was a wisdom Psalm written in the latter years of the king’s life, he encouraged his people to find joy in the Lord.
"Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart." Psalm 37:4
When we find joy in the Lord, we redirect our focus on Him instead of concentrating our energies on solving our problems on our own. We will lean on His power and draw confidence and strength from Him to face our issues instead of leaning on quick fixes that just make matters worse.
We have to realize that for us to fully solve our problems we have to delve deeper into its root cause. Most of the time, issues of overwork, depression and sadness, and fatigue emerge from deep-seated discontent, envy, jealousy, anger, covetousness, and unresolved issues.
Fortunately, all these negative feelings can be washed away by delighting yourself in God. When you have an intimate relationship with the Lord, and He is the main source of your joy given your knowledge of His words, assurances, strength and promises, you will be at peace.
There is a comforting presence that you will feel amidst the chaos of everyday life. With Him, the daily routine that you don’t know you deep inside hate and want to escape from, will be a reality that you will soon appreciate and thank the Lord for. As biblical scholars say, when your will conforms to His will, you will delight in abiding in Him, and in doing things that are glorifying His name.
"But he was pierced for our transgressions; he was crushed for our iniquities; upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with his wounds we are healed."
Isaiah 53:5
Thank you for reading through our devotional today. I invite you to ponder on Psalm 37, Ecclesiastes 5:10-11, and 1 Timothy 6:7-10 to dig deeper on today’s topic.
Reflection Question: What are the band-aid solutions that you employ in your life to resolve the deep-seated problems that you face?
Conversation with the Lord: Lord Jesus Christ, thank you for empowering me to resolve my deep-seated issues by allowing me to draw near you. Please give me the confidence to come to you in prayer everyday, take comfort in your words, and find lasting peace in you. Amen.