Happy Pinay Mommy

Faith-fueled Motherhood

Ephesians 4:29

Daily devotional: The Ballerina

Ask anyone to give you several adjectives about a ballerina and mostlikely the word “graceful,” will come up. After all, the smooth,refined, and artistic movements

Proverbs 25:21-22

Daily devotional: The Salt Rub

One of the first cooking secrets I have ever learned from my yaya backthen was soaking and rubbing rock salt on Ampalaya (bitter gourd) tomake

Psalm 62:1-2

Daily devotional: The Upgrade

One of the best experiences I have had in taking a solo long-haul flight was being upgraded to first class without me requesting it. I

Jeremiah 17:7-8

Daily devotional: The green thumb

She owns a sprawling garden with lots of lovely flowers and lush leafed plants. She also has some fruits and vegetables and they all look

Romans 8:38-39

Daily devotional: Roses

If there is a world day of roses, it will surely be February 14. Valentine’s after all, is just so kind to this lovely species

haggai 1:6

Daily devotional: Busy bee

Bees are regarded as one of the most industrious species on earth. It buzzes around pollinating plants, building beehives, and collecting nectar, all day long.

Daily devotional: The Circle

Most people have their own circle of friends to rely on. These may befrom childhood, highschool, college, the neighborhood, or from work.Our innermost circle are

Acts 3:19

Daily devotional: On Silent Mode

When your phone is on silent mode, there are two usual reactions to notifications about missed calls: one is dread, and one is snark. Dread

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