Happy Pinay Mommy

School Snack Ideas

This week’s baon: Healthy Baon Ideas

Time flies by sooo fast, next thing we know it will be sembreak already. Recapping Achie’s baon this week to help newbie school mamas plan

Weekly Baon Ideas (Week 08)

Hello everyone! I know classes have been suspended today, but still some mommies would have to plan out their little one’s school baons for the

School Lunch Baon Ideas – Part 3

As promised here is the third installment in our series of School Lunch Baon ideas for your gradeschoolers. As we go further into the school

This week’s baon ideas (week 04)

Gorgeous Monday everyone! Sharing with you Achiebelle’s snackboxes the past week as part of our weekly baon series: this week’s baon. Hopefully, this could help