Daily Devotional, Aug 15, 2023 Never too busy to help
“Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the LORD, and he will reward them for what they have done.”
Proverbs 19:17

Mothers like us are most of the time akin to busy beavers attending to every family member’s concern. We are everything to everyone — a chef, a nurse, a tutor, a chauffeur, a prefect of discipline, a counselor, a referee, sometimes even a human ATM! Kidding aside, we do not withhold help to our children, spouse, closest kin and best friends but sometimes we find ourselves having second thoughts about extending assistance to others.
Well, most of us are more than happy to extend a one-time help, but when the assistance would require a more than one-time thing, or would dig deeper into our pockets, or eat up more time than we are willing to share, we tend to clam up a bit and pass up the chance to do good.
The bible encourages us to be helpful to everyone, especially to those in need. In St. Paul the Apostle’s letter to the Hebrews, he said “God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown Him as you have helped His people and continue to help them.”
Orphans, widows, and newcomers in the community all need constant help from us. It may not be monetary, but soending time perhaps to listen to the concerns of a grieving neighbor, or letting your kids play with a recently orphaned child, and welcoming newcomers to the community by inviting them to church or gatherings. These actions are all sacrifices that the Lord is pleased with. “Help” does not need to involve money all the time.
If we find ourselves too tired, or too busy to care about others, then let us take our cue from Mama Mary who travelled far despite being pregnant herself to visit her elderly cousin. Elizabeth who was then pregnant with her would-be son John the Baptist was already past childbearing age when she gave birth to her son. Being much older, imagine the help Jesus’ mother provided when she stayed with her for almost 100 days? This was documented in the Gospel of St. Luke 1:56 “Mary stayed with Elizabeth for about three months and then returned home.” If a pregnant woman can help another, then why not us right?
As the Filipino saying goes,”Kung gusto may paraan, kung ayaw may dahilan.” We can borrow our strength to help others from the eternal source of goodness, generosity, and care — our Heavenly Father — who is always by our side during our own times of distress.
Thank you for reading through our devotional today. I invite you to read Luke 10:27-37 to dig deeper on today’s topic.
Reflection Question: Who in your life or surrounding needs help today?
Conversation with the Lord: Heavenly Father, we praise and thank you for giving us the ability to help others through the time, talent, and treasure you have given us. Please give us the wisdom and goodness to remain helpful and caring to other people so that we can live a life that is glorifying to you. Amen.