Happy Pinay Mommy

How moms can carve a consistent prayer routine

Daily Devotional

In my motherhood journey, one thing I have learned is that no matter your situation, mom life will never be too easy. It is the best thing that can happen to you yet it can bring about challenges that are not for the faint of heart. For both the joys and challenges that it brings, I believe having a consistent prayer routine is the most essential habit we need to develop and nurture so that we could be the best moms that we could be.

Having a consistent prayer routine in our daily life means we know where our strength comes from. It is like having a home amid the busy rigors that motherhood brings. Whether we work out of the home from 8-5, we work from home, we are a full time housemom, or we work part time, we all need to go back to our Creator, worship Him, thank Him for every blessing, seek His counsel and ask for His help.

Consistent prayer routine benefits the whole family

I remember our Parish Priest quoting a saying that we should pray at least 30 minutes a day, but if we are too busy, then we should pray for an hour. Some may find it counter intuitive to have quiet time with the Lord first thing in the morning, when everyone is supposed to be rushing or preparing for the day ahead. But really, devoting one’s time to talk to our Sovereign King will help transform our lives for the best.

Since we moms are the “ilaw ng tahanan” we need a source of energy. We could not afford for our light to go dim. Moreso, we cannot afford to be broken. The whole family will be affected if we lose our “light.” Jesus is the light of our lives, and we moms should go to Him consistently for a recharge, and filling of energy or the Holy Spirit. This can be achieved through a consistent prayer routine.

The routine that transforms family life

Once we moms get transformed, our homes will even be better managed, our kids and husband will be better cared for, and our whole family will be centered to the Lord. If you think there are areas of improvement in your character as a mother, a wife, or a family member, or if you want to grow spiritually, or simply need fortitude as you face challenges in your life then this consistent quiet time with the Lord will carry you through all your difficulties. It will not remove problems in your life because problems are a given in life; but it allows you to cling to the Lord who will be with you through deep waters, raging rivers, and flaming fires (Isaiah 43:2).

So how do we carve out a consistent time for prayer?

We all have different situations, but we as humans are creatures of habit. What time do you usually pray? Every morning? Before sleeping? You can keep this prayer time and just augment it to add a quiet time with the Lord plus bible devotional and reading so you could go deeper in prayer. Need a prayer guide for your routine? Please check out this past post on how to start a personal relationship with God.

If you do not have a usual time for prayer then identify first if you are a night owl or a morning lark. If you are a night owl, then that means that you could dedicate some time to pray to God when everyone is asleep and you can be alone in one area of your home. If you are a morning lark, then that means that you can dedicate time for prayer before everyone else is up in the morning.

Cannot find the opportune time early in the morning or late at night?

We are all at different phases of our lives. Those who have super young children could schedule consistent prayer times during their child’s nap time. Those with school children could dedicate time while their kids are in school. Those working 8-5 could eat a bit quicker and allot time during their lunch breaks.

Most office buildings do have chapels, empty conference rooms during lunch break, a roof deck, or a nearby garden where we could spend time with God and read the word.

If we get disrupted a bit by our children then we should know that the Lord understands. It may be best to get them fed already and address some of their needs during the time we will take so that they will not cut into our prayer time. I remember a bible reading when Jesus was supposed to go somewhere to pray and then the people saw Him so he had to address the needs of the sick and the hungry first, and then He left to go pray (Matthew 14:23). I am no bible expert but to me, this means that we can take some time to take care of urgent needs no one else could address for our children, and that He would understand that. Moreover when our kids see us devoting consistent time for prayer, it becomes a tangible and powerful message to them that they too should set time for prayer and fully rely on Jesus.

Finding the energy to maintain a consistent prayer routine

Once you have identified the best time for you to have quiet time with the Lord, then the next challenge is being consistent.

Some may ask how will they find the energy to wake up at least 30 minutes earlier or stay up 30 minutes later than they should when they already lack sleep as is? Well discipline is key. Maybe we should turn off the TV or put down our phones a bit earlier than we normally would so we could get enough sleep or have the time to thank the GREATEST PROVIDER who gave us all things in our life for us to enjoy. Isn’t it about time to prioritize quiet time with Him? As the Gospel of St. Matthew says: “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” Matthew 6:33

Importance of a prayer routine

Setting aside time for prayer and bible reading reminds us about our humanity. That our lives are fragile and it needs anchoring because without it we could easily get shaken. Even Jesus modeled the need for quiet time with the Lord. One of these instances where recorded over at Mark 1:35 “Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where He prayed.” And this goes on because He excuses Himself to be alone with His Heavenly Father, to pray and seek His counsel.

As for my parting shot, I would like to share with you another bible verse that could hopefully encourage you more to have a consistent prayer routine: â€œIn repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength.” Isaiah 30:15

Thank you for stopping by and till next post!

A happy homemaker is a Happy Pinay Mommy!


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