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What I use for my Daily Bible Devotional - Happy Pinay Mommy

Happy Pinay Mommy

What I use for my Daily Bible Devotional

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Here are the books and materials I use for my daily devotional.

Hello fellow Mommies! Sharing with you the books and materials I use for my daily devotional. I am sharing this to hopefully encourage other moms like me to start allotting quiet time with our Creator, and how to start doing it. I have been at such a stage before that I wanted to start a devotional but I do not exactly how to go about it. So I am thinking that maybe some moms are in the same place too, so I should share what I know and how immensely this devotional time has helped me.

But why should I start a devotional?

Well, allotting time for a daily devotional reminds you of the power of God in your life. How our loving creator has helped you and has been faithful to you through the years. It will guide you through life and will make you realize that His Words will sustain your life.

Materials I use in my devotional

I am of course not saying that these are the materials that you should use. It will all depend on you. I think as long as you have a bible, and a devotional guide that will prompt you which bible passages to read, then you can start your journey. I remember our parish priest telling us that the bible is not supposed to be read from page 1 onwards. It is ready by chapters based on the prompts. For Catholics, there is a liturgical guide that contains all the readings in all the daily masses that are held, and this is a good place to start, Read the three readings everyday — usually one from the Old or New Testament, a Psalm, and then from one of the four Gospels.

In the picture above, I am showing you my resource books. Of course, first and foremost is The Bible. I got mine many years ago, an NRSV Catholic Bible that i got for less than Php 500 I think at the National Bookstore.

The other book “Come Follow Me” is my favorite devotional written by Matt Koeic. It contains 365 letters from the Lord, which I find very uplifting and assuring. It also has suggested bible readings for the day, where the assurances and comforting messages have been derived. It is a second-hand book that I got from Booksale for less than Php200.00.

My next resource is the liturgical guide that I mentioned which features all the readings for daily masses. I use the scripture guide for my daily bible readings during weekdays and Saturdays. On Sundays I use it for preparing for Sunday Mass.

Anyway, the next book that I showed is Our Daily Bread. I think a lot of people use it. I got the habit from my late grandmother who reads it every single day. Before she died, she sent all of her ODB collections to our house for me to read. God bless her soul.

The last book that I showed is Thrive, which was gifted to me by a good friend. The reflections are all encouraging and heart-warming and leads you to delve deeper into the scriptures. It also features scriptures where the article is based.

How I do my devotional

So here is what I do: I pray before I start my devotional. And then, I read a topic for each day in each of the books, locate and read the corresponding suggested scriptures, and reflect on them. I note my reflections on mini sketchbooks, because I like unlined and blank papers.

Apart from the sketchbook, I also use pens, highlighters and a ruler for my daily devotional. I also have a notepad and a bunch of sticky notes for when I want to post the specific passage as a reminder for me, or as a memory verse for my children. Again I am not claiming that it the right way, but I am just sharing with you how I do it. Here’s another possible resource on the topic.

Thank you for stopping by, and I hope you could continue to read reflections and blog posts here in my website. At this point, I hope you can also allow me to share with you one of my favorite bible passages, this time from the Book of Psalms:

“Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one’s youth. Blessed is the man who fills his quiver with them! He shall not be put to shame when he speaks with his enemies in the gate.” – Psalm 127:3-5

Again, thank you for stopping by and till next post!

A happy homemaker is a Happy Pinay Mommy
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