Happy Pinay Mommy

Feeding the kids when I am too tired to cook

Preparing meals for the kids when tired

I may be used to cooking three meals a day, preparing baon boxes and after school snacks but like any other housemom, I too have days when I am too tired to cook a proper meal.

But as they say, the show must go on. The kids will get hungry no matter what my energy meter says and so I should endeavor to get food on the table.

The refrigerator as a treasure trove

What I do is to open my refrigerator, find the best left-overs and ready to cook ingredients  there like steamed potatoes, boiled eggs, rice that can be made into fried rice, and other easy dishes. Eggs and tomatoes are a happy combo.

Having side dishes that are ready in the refrigerator really help because they just need to be reheated. Sometimes, not even!

Steamed potatoes as the best side dish

I usually have steamed potatoes at hand for circumstances like this. I place potato chunks in the steamer basket while I cook rice so that I have steamed potatoes ready in the ref for side dishes. One of my go-to dishes for potatoes is miso butter potato chunks.

Frozen food and canned goods as convenience and emergency dishes

My next stop when trying to prepare meals when I am too tired is the freezer. I usually try to find easy-to-prepare frozen foods like fish cake. I usually shred it, add corn syrup and soy sauce, and fry it a bit.

If I still need more dishes for the meal, my next stop would be the pantry – canned goods help too! I usually get tuna or salmon chunks in olive oil. Sometimes I even get ramen if need be!

The grace to take it easy

I believe, there is no shame in putting together what is easy to prepare just to ensure that the kids eat on time. As they say, we have to give ourselves the grace to do what is easier and convenient for us when the situation calls for it.

Thank you for stopping by and if you are on the lookout for easy recipes, hope you can check out our recipes and meal plans section here.

Food for the soul

At this point I hope you can allow me to share with you another bible passage that continues to inspire me. This time it is from the Letter of St. Paul to the Romans:

“And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.”

Romans 8:28

Again, thank you for stopping by and till next post!

A happy homemaker is a Happy Pinay Mommy!


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