Happy Pinay Mommy

Homestyle Yummy Porkchops Recipe

Homestyle Porkchops with a Twist
Homestyle Porkchops with a Twist

Hello fellow mommies! Sharing with you an easy to follow yet out of the ordinary homestyle porkchop recipe! In my home, our usual porkchop recipes are either Tonkatsu style or breaded with Japanese Panko breading or just plain seasoned with salt and pepper.

This time, I am sharing with you a recipe I tested that was a hit for my kids! I call it Homestyle Porkchops with a twist! By the way if you are on the look out for easy to follow recipes and meal plans, I hope you could check out our meal plans and recipes section here.

Porkchops with a Twist Recipe

As promised, this is super simple, and even beginner friendly! It does not require deep frying, and is actually best for shallow pan frying. I Know most of you would not like to use your air fryers and ovens simply because it generates too much heat in this hot weather, so here you go shallow frying for the win!

Easy procedure:

  1. Marinate porkchop for at least 30 minutes to overnight in this mixture: 1/4 cup calamansi or lemon juice 1/2 cup soy sauce 1/4 tsp pepper 1/4 tsp cinnamon powder 1 tbsp brown sugar crushed garlic
  2. Dredge the marinated porkchop in potato starch with a bit of salt, pepper, and cinnamon. You can also add any of your favorite seasonings like garlic salt or any herbal-salt mixtures.
  3. Pan fry in hot oil in medium heat for at least 6-8 minutes per side. Check on the 6-minute mark and flip. You will need to flip the chops for 3-4 times to make it extra crunchy.
  4. I usually check the internal temp to ensure it is thoroughly cooked. I aim for at least 165F.
  5. Serve with a smile! Simple banana ketchup is the perfect dipping sauce 🙂

Food for the soul

Hope you can also allow me to share with you one of my favorite bible passages, this time from the Letter of St. Paul to the Ephesians:

“Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us.”

Ephesians 3:20

Thank you for stopping by and till next post!

A happy homemaker is a Happy Pinay Mommy!

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