Happy Pinay Mommy

How to cook cabbage rice

How to make low car cabbage rice
How to make low carb cabbage rice

For people searching for a low carb alternative to our beloved white rice or the more popular low carb cauliflower rice, sharing with you an easy, more affordable, veggie-based rice —

Cabbage rice

For mommies who would like to try cooking cabbage rice, well super easy!

You will just need a head of cabbage, butter or olive oil, turmeric, curry powder, salt and pepper.

Just grate cabbage slices or finely chop them in a food processor till you achieve your desired texture.

In a pan, melt butter,add the cabbage. Stir-fry for three minutes. Add curry powder, a bit of turmeric and then a dash of paprika. Season with salt and pepper. Voila! May cabbage rice ka na.

Alternative to rice, cauli rice and coleslaw

It has the same cooking process with cauli rice but what is great about cabbage is it is cheaper than cauli, easier to wash and prep too. But like cauli, it is also rich in vitamins and fiber content so it is not really a nutritional downgrade from cauliflower. It likewise freezes well.

Now in the photo i served it with rotiserrie chicken. I freeze cabbage rice so i have something easy to prep for quick meals and hungry tummies.

Kain po tayo 😊 for more easy to prep recipes hope you can check out our recipes section here in our website happypinaymommy.com or follow us on Onstagram, browse our recipe albums over at FB or check out our Pinterest recipes board. Have a nice day everyone 😁

A happy homemaker is a Happy Pinay Mommy!

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