Hello fellow mommies! Let’s cook Pork Belly Sinigang 🍲 🐷 in the instapot ☔️☁️🌙😅 I would like to share with you how easy it is to cook Pork Belly Sinigang in an Instapot. I prefer cooking this family favorite in the IP since it takes less time to cook and tenderize the meat.
I also enjoy not having to tend to the stove every now and then as after mixing everything all I need to do is to set it on high pressure and it is good to go.😎 Anyway, if you are on the lookout for quick cooking meals, please check out our recipes section here. Now, without further ado, here’s the super easy to follow recipe.
Instapot Pork Belly Sinigang Recipe
Just combine pre-boiled pork belly sliced into cubes; diced tomatoes, quartered onions. 1 to 1.5 cups of water (depending on how soupy you want your Sinigang to be), string beans, sinigang mix, and then beef or pork cubes or any seasoning of choice (patis or salt). Just mix it well and close the instapot lid, making sure that the vent is in sealing position.
Set on high pressure for 12 minutes. Wait until the pot reaches LO30 before doing a quick release of pressure. If you are not in a hurry, you can just wait for the instapot to naturally release its pressure.
Once pressure is fully released, open the instapot and mix. Adjust seasoning accordingly and add quick cooking vegetables like Kangkong and Okra. You can either just coer the Instapot and let the veggoes cook on the remaining heat, or if in a hurry, set on saute mode for 3-5 minutes or until the veggies are cooked. Your sinigang is now ready to serve!
Food for the soul
Hope you can also allow me to share with you one of my favorite bible passages, this time from the Book of Psalms:
“I will proclaim your greatness my God and king; I will thank you for ever and ever. Everyday I will thank you; I will praise you for ever and ever.”
PSALM 145:1-2
Again, thank you for stopping by and till next post!
A happy homemaker is a Happy Pinay Mommy!