Happy Pinay Mommy

Max’s style air fryer fried chicken

Easy to follow max style air fryer fried chicken recipe

Hello fellow mommies! Sharing with you my go-to Air Fryer fried chicken recipe. This one tastes much like Max’s fried chicken, only it is not deep fried 🙂 And since it is not deep fried, I believe it is a bit more healthy to eat!

This recipe is easy although it may require several steps. The good thing about this is that the steps can be done between days if you do not have the time to do all the cooking in one day. The first step starts at the supermarket, where you will request your butcher to chop the chicken in half, or butterfly-style. If you already have a whole chicken at home, well just chop the chicken in half.

By the way, if you are looking for meal ideas, meal plans and recipes, I hope you can check out our meal plans and recipes section here. 

Easy Max’s Chicken Style Air Fryer Recipe

As I mentioned, this is a relatively easy recipe to do and I am sure you will like it because it is a healthy and delicious way to cook restaurant-style fried chicken!

Here is the super easy procedure:

1. Chop the chicken into butterfly cut (chopped in half — you may request your butcher)
2. Season with salt and steam it for about 20-25 minutes depending on the size — ours was about 2 to 2.5 pounds (over a kilo).
3. Baste the chicken with Patis, and then cool and dry out to remove excess moisture.
4. Spray or brush with oil, and air fry for about 25 minutes (or more depending on your air fryer and the size of the chicken) at 200c
5. Check on the 20th minute and add additional cooking time as needed 😀
6. Serve with ketchup-worcestershire-hot sauce dip for the sarap to the bones experience.

Food for the soul

At this point, I hope you can also allow me to share with you one of my favorite bible passages, this time from the Gospel of St. John:

“I have said this to you so that in me you may have peace. In the world you face persecution. But take courage, I have conquered the world!”

John 16:33

Thank you for stopping by and till next post!

A happy homemaker is a Happy Pinay Mommy!


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