Happy Pinay Mommy

Budget ulam recipe ideas for Aug 21-28

Hello everyone! Time flies and it is a Monday once again and because it is a holiday, I almost forgot to post a fresh list of our weekly budget Filipino ulam ideas. If you are new to this website and series, kindly check out the past weekly write-ups here for list upon list of ulam ideas below Php200.00 per dish. This will feed about four to five adult portions.

This week’s list tries to be healthier and more balanced, and of course within our Php 150-200.00 costing. So without further ado here’s our weekly cheap but cheerful ulam ideas for your family:

This week’s budget ulam ideas:

1. Sinigang na Bangus sa Bayabas — Whether you go to the wet market or not, Sinigang sa Bayabas is relatively easy to cook, since there are instant mixes that really tastes almost like the OG sinigang sa bayabas. And yes, it will still make our budget cut of Php200.00 per dish. Here’s a recipe that is both healthy and yummy.

2. Menudillo. We have this dish in repeat mode when I was a child, and I really enjoy it. It is great to eat, nutritious because of the carrots and potatoes (plus the peas if you have the extra budget for it). The next day, my mom usually puts it in hot pandesal for either breakfast or merienda. Reminds me really of empanada only it has a red filling. Try my recipe here.

3. Chicken Mami. This recipe is just perfect for those days when it is raining outside! Add toasted garlic plus boiled egg and it transports you back in time when you just so enjoy the healthy kind of mami. My kids like it when i cook this especially with fresh noodles! And since it does not call for too much meat, it certainly makes our budget ceiling! Here’s a good recipe to try.

4. Chicken Teriyaki. If you think chicken teriyaki has expensive ingredients then you are definitely wrong. If you have sesame oil and sesame seeds in your pantry them you can just make this using either chicken breast or thigh fillet. Tip: make a bit more sauce so that when paired with rice, this ulam will go a long way. Here’s my go-to recipe that I recently posted.

5. Seafood baguio bean rice. There’s this rice toppings sold in front of our school before that sells super yummy seafood  and green beans rice toppings that is just so highly addictive. And while seafood and budget do not augur well as a budget ulam idea, you do not really need as much seafood for this recipe. This is just actually a saucy version of your ginisang baguio beans only you use 250 grams of shrimp, and a bit more thickened sauce as usual. Ladle over rice like a rice topping and you’ve got a healthy and delicious meal altogether! Use this recipe and just sub shrimp for the pork 🙂

6. Ginataang Langka. This ulam idea will surely make you eat more rice than you planned to. Super affordable, yet super filling! You do not even need to put so much meat on it, fitting our budget! The only caveat here is you usually have to buy the unripe jackfruit or langka in the wet market as i seldom see it it grocery stores. Here’s a good recipe to follow.

7. Garlic tilapia and Cucumber Salad. One of the dishes you can never cook in secret is Crunchy Garlic Tilapia! It just smells oh so good! Just brown minced garlic  in oil, and then set aside. Fry the tilapia in the same oil and then top the crunchy fried tilapia with the golden garlic bits you earlier fried! Serve with chilled cucumber-vinegar salad on the side! So yummy <3

So there you have it! Hope you liked the recipe ideas we suggested today. I was surprised that bigas has gotten more expensive recently. Well, at least there is no bigas shortage as of yet, so let’s eat rice while we still happily can! God is good!

Food for the soul

At this point, may I share with you one of my favorite bible passages. This time from the Epistle of St. James:

“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.” 

James 1:17

Thank you for stopping by and till next post!

A happy homemaker is a Happy Pinay Mommy!


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