Happy Pinay Mommy

Low budget ulam recipe ideas for the week

Hello everyone! Monday again — time for a new list of Budget Recipes for the week. If you are new to this series, I hope you could check out our past Php200.00 ulam ideas that are refreshed week after week. Each ulam is good for four to five adults, and ingredients are available in local markets and groceries.

This week’s ulam ideas are a mix of meals that are partnered with rice, and some are noodle based. Either way, it aims to provide better nutrition for the whole family. so without further ado, here is our list of low budget ulam ideas for the week:

Low budget ulam ideas for the week

1. Chicken Chopsuey Rice— This is an uncomplicated yet super nutritious and refreshing meal. I remember that this is my dad’s usual order whenever eating in his favorite Chinese restaurant simply because the vegetables are cooked perfectly, the chicken is tender, there is chicken liver, and the sauce is just so yummy when poured over rice! Try it with this Chinese style recipe and ladle over rice.

2. Fried Chicken Wings with a side of ginisang upo. Simply put, 3/4 kilo of chicken wings is but enough to feed a crew of four or five, especially when there is a veggie side dish. Try this yummy combination this week.

3. Pinoy-style chicken spaghetti. This entry is inspired by one of the recent videos of Chef RV Manabat where he made sweet-style spaghetti with chicken as the meat ingredient. Well you can follow his cue and recreate your family’s usual sweet-style pinoy spaghetti and sub the ground beef with ground chicken breast. If you are feeling generous then by all means, follow Chef RV’s advice of adding condensed milk to make the sauce creamier and sweeter! Here’s his video .

4. Liver steak. Eating liver is good from time to time, and fortunately it is not too expensive. I am including liver steak on the list because it is yummy and nutritious at the same time. Both cow or pork liver is acceptable and is usually cooked bistek style. Check out this recipe.

5. Chicken Lomi. I remember my aunt telling me that this is one of their favorite “special” dishes during the Japanese war. I figured this is a complete meal that will break the routinary rice and ulam daily grind. It is not even hard to cook! Here’s a recipe that you can try. 

6. Fish Sarciado. I did not grow up eating sarciado or sweet and sour fish, but I discovered in my twenties that it is a delicious dish to have. Now that I am a mom, I love this dish even more because it is nutritious, delicious, and not too expensive to prepare. We usually use Tilapia for this recipe. Kindly multiply the recipe good for three fishes.

7. Sinampalukang Manok – This is my Ninang’s specialty. Like with chicken blood on bigas and fresh sampaloc leaves level-special. Of course, I am not telling you to make the dish on that mega-pro levels, but the idea of making sinampalukang manok should at least come to mind when trying to make cheap and cheerful recipes right? Here is a good recipe that I use.

Food for the soul

At this point I would like to share with you one of my favorite bible passages, this time from the Book of Psalms:

“And those who know Your name will put their trust in You; For You, LORD, have not forsaken those who seek You. ”

Psalm 9:10

Thank you for stopping by and till next post!

A happy homemaker is  a Happy Pinay Mommy!

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