Happy Pinay Mommy

2023 Weekly School Snack Baon Ideas #2

Here is our Weekly School Snack Baon Ideas #2

Hello everyone! Here is our Weekly School Snack Baon Ideas #2. As promised I will try my very best to consistently come up with five-day baon ideas to help you in deciding and preparing what to pack for your little ones.

This week has an assortment of sandwiches, strawberry-flavored snacks like yogurt, bread and juice, plus whole foods like corn on the cob, whole eggs, quail eggs, tangerine, and marble potatoes. It also comes with treats like skittles, strawberry juice, eggnog cookies, and fried mashed potato smileys.

2023 School Snack Baon Ideas Week 2  

Without further ado, here’s our list:

MONDAYCheese strawberry sandwich, tuna salad sandwich, little tangerine, fried mashed potato smileys
TUESDAYCream cheese sandwich, corn on the cob, sugar-raised donuts, strawberry yogurt
WEDNESDAYHard-boiled egg, roasted peanuts, steamed salted marble potatoes refried in olive oil
THURSDAYOtap, Ground Pork Omelet, Strawberry Juice
FRIDAYBreaded fish nuggets, pesto pasta, quail eggs, yogurt drink, eggnog biscuits, skittles
This week has an assortment of sandwiches, strawberry-flavored snacks like yogurt

If you need more weekly school snack plans, you may want to subscribe to our blog, or check out our weekly baon posts from the previous years here. Once you get into the habit of preparing a variety of school snacks that are mostly nutritious for the kids, it will just become second nature. I hope to be of help in this endeavor of yours.

This week’s encouragement for fellow moms

Allow me to share with you at this point, an encouraging passage in the bible that could help us, mothers, weather the challenges of being a mom and soak in the joys of motherhood.

“Only be careful, and watch yourselves closely so that you do not forget the things your eyes have seen or let them fade from your heart as long as you live. Teach them to your children and to their children after them.”

Deuteronomy 4:9

For me this passage means that apart from teaching the actual scriptures to your children, you should be a witness to the truth of these words. Tell your children how specific passages have been true to your life before they came, or even in the current season. While they may not fully grasp all your explanations, at least they will remember your stories, and you on the other hand will develop a habit of telling them the Good News through your life.

Thank you everyone and till next post!

A happy homemaker is a Happy Pinay Mommy!

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