Did not have time to post this earlier today, but I am hoping the healthy baon ideas in this post are not too late to help you with your baon planning. Here is achie’s baon recap for the past week to help newbie school mamas plan their little one’s baon for the new week.
Healthy Baon Ideas for The Week
This week, I challenged myself to come up with healthy baon ideas for Achie. Not that the past baon snacks i have prepared are unhealthy but more because I wanted to reduce the presence of processed food in my family’s diet. REDUCE being the operative word because I know in my heart that it will be really hard to totally eliminate it (but im sure it is doable as some families have done it) given the many factors that push moms like me to choose to serve processed food from time to time. No judgements whatsoever, i do not know what challenges you have, I am imperfect as well, but I just tried to make cleaner baons the past weeks and see if my kid will be happy with it too. Glad that she is happy with the baons as most of them I have already introduced to her way way back.
Anyway, at the risk of sounding like a broken record, please be mindful of the portions/slices of the baon to prevent choking for younger school kids. Also, caution on the food allergies as well as whatever baon guidelines implemented on your little one’s school. So let’s get started.
School Baon Ideas Recap:
MONDAY — Parmesan chicken wings, Avocado-Cheese Mini Sandwiches, and garlic peanuts.

TUESDAY — Suman (she insisted that I pack it with its original dahon packaging since she already learned how to unwrap it at home), plus some sungsong peanuts — she likes cracking the peanut shells. Tip if you want to pack suman for baon, freeze the suman the day you bought it; then on the day you want to pack it for baon just steam to reheat — or the easiest way is to steam it alongside your sinaing.

WEDNESDAY — Hard-boiled egg, muron (rice cake or kakanin flavored with chocolates and peanuts), cashew nuts. Like the suman, you can freeze the muron and just reheat it through steaming on the day you want to pack it in her baonbox.

THURSDAY — Banana bread, raisins and cashew nuts.

FRIDAY (extended school day) — Smoked boneless bangus, rice, banana chips, strawberry yogurt, and fancy mixed nuts.

So there you have it, hope I was able to help you with your baon planning this week. For more school baon ideas please check out the baon section of our website, happypinaymommy.com or browse our Facebook album of close to 200 school baon suggestions to pack for your preschooler. Hope you can also follow our Pinterest Baon board. See you there!