Happy Pinay Mommy

Weekly Baon Ideas (Week 08)

Achie's baon ideas recap -- Week #8.
Achie’s baon ideas recap — Week #8.

Hello everyone! I know classes have been suspended today, but still some mommies would have to plan out their little one’s school baons for the whole week. So as usual ill be sharing with you weekly baon ideas through a recap of the school snacks I packed for my school girl last week.

Weekly baon ideas for kids

If you are new to this #baonserye I share on a weekly basis photos of Achie’s baon boxes throughout the past week to help newbie school mamas map out their child’s baon for the current week. (Click here for our past weekly baon series)

As I always say, please be mindful of the portion sizes vis-a-vis your child’s age as some food items or portions shown in the photo can be a choking hazard to pre-schoolers. Special attention on the rambutan mommies – please replace with another fruit if your child is less than seven years old and is not yet familiar as to how safely eat this fruit.

Caution as well with the allergies your child may have and the school guidelines on what your child may or may not bring for #schoolbaon. So without further ado here’s —

This Week’s baon ideas for your school kid:

MONDAY — Good mood pancit bihon (good mood kasi wala halos toyo 😂😂✌✌), mini slices of toasted bread, and some quail eggs.

I intentionally used less soy sauce on the pancit so that it will not be salty for my child. Kaya i named it
I intentionally used less soy sauce on the pancit so that it will not be salty for my child. Kaya i named it “good mood” pancit — ala halos toyo eh. pancit is actually a great baon idea, just do not pack it while it is still hot so that it would not spoil.

TUESDAY — Cheese Pandesal and then some peeled fresh rambutan — please replace with another fruit if child is younger than 7years old and is not yet familiar about the proper way of eating this fruit. you may choose other fruits for your weekly baon ideas too.

My daughter loves rambutan and so when it is in season, I really have to buy 😊
My daughter loves rambutan and so when it is in season, I really have to buy 😊 so there, it has been included as some of the fruits in my weekly baon ideas.

WEDNESDAY — Tortang giniling wedges, otap, and organic juice box.

Forgot to pack some banana ketchup with this. Haha. Buti di nagreklamo ang chikiting.
Forgot to pack some banana ketchup with this. Haha. Buti di nagreklamo ang chikiting.

THURSDAY — Choco-hazelnut bear sandwiches, moon panaderia cookie, and coated green peas (ewan ko naman bakit red ang coating ng green peas na ito 😂😄😆).

Choco hazelnut bear sandwiches na parang may goiter dahil bulging ang mata, plus green peas na red ang coating, and then moon cookie.
Choco hazelnut bear sandwiches na parang may goiter dahil bulging ang mata, plus green peas na red ang coating, and then moon cookie.

FRIDAY (extended school day) — Tuna croissant, choco wafer cubes, chocnut treat, and baked cheese biscuits. had this baon idea because my eldest mentioned that it may be fun to not eat rice sometimes for school lunch during Fridays.

Because my eldest helped me with my tupiin, and was extra helpful the whole week -- chocnut it is!
Because my eldest helped me with my tupiin, and was extra helpful the whole week — chocnut it is!

So there you have it, hope I was able to help you plan your little one’s baon for the week. Hope you can check out our Pinterest Baon Ideas board, or the baon ideas section in the website, or the close to 200 school baon ideas we have in our Facebook Album. We also share this baon series via our Instagram account. Hope to touch base with you in our social media channels. Till next week!

A happy homemaker is a Happy Pinay Mommy!

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