Happy Pinay Mommy

Weekly school baon ideas: tasty and easy to prepare!

Hello everyone! Here’s another installment of a week’s worth of school baon ideas! If you are new to this series and would like to check out our past posts, you may do so here. As usual, I try my best to make it as wholesome and nutritious as possible, but there are times convenience knocks at the door (hahaha)!

I try my best to add fruit for each day but there really are times when I could not get as much in my weekly grocery shopping. This week, I tried a corn dog recipe because I did not want to buy those frozen corn dogs in the grocery. I did not want to buy them because they are a bit expensive and I thought it would be more economical if I could just try doing it myself, so since it came out as a success (according to my kids and the classmates they shared their baon with) I will be sharing the recipe soon.

Anyway, without further ado, here are some school lunch box ideas for your grade schoolers:

Baon ideas for your kids

1. Monday: Avocado and Ham sandwich, boiled egg and orange wedges

Avocado gam sandwich weekly school baon idea
Avocado ham sandwich, hardboiled egg and orange wedges

2. Tuesday: Egg omelette sandwich, chicken popcorn, and mangosteen fruit

Weekly baon idea easy sandwiches
Egg omelette sandwich, chicken popcorn ad mangosteen fruit

3. Wednesday: Chorilog: Chorizo slices, scrambled eggs, and steamed rice, plus boiled saba banana for dessert 🙂

Easy lunch baon idea for your kid
Chorilog with boiled saba banana

4. Thursday: Homemade mini cheese corn dog waffle and Yan-yan chocolate treat

Homemade mini cheese corndog for your kids baon
Believe it or not these homemade mini cheese corndogs are easy to make!

5. Friday: Chicken Franks, rice balls, and sweet potatoes fried mojo-style

Kamote mojo potatoes for baon idea
My kids loved the kamote mojo potatoes ♡ I am so happy!

So that’s it, starting today, I will endeavor to post these baon ideas by end of the week, so that you can at least include the ingredients of the suggested items in your weekend grocery list.

Food for the soul

At this point, I hope you could allow me to share with you one of my favorite bible passages, this time from the Book of Acts of the Apostles:

"From one man he made all the nations, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he marked out their appointed times in history and the boundaries of their lands. God did this so that they would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from any one of us." ACTS 17:26-27

Thank you for stopping by and till next post!

A happy homemaker is a Happy Pinay Mommy!

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