Whether you want to control your weight, prevent disease or improve your physical and mental health, your diet plays a key role. Eating a balanced diet does not have to be complicated; incorporating a variety of foods into your diet such as fruits and vegetables, protein, and fish can bring you a range of health benefits. Here are five reasons why us moms and our families should follow a balanced diet.
Prevents Diseases
When you consume a wide selection of vitamins, nutrients and minerals, your immune system will improve significantly, helping to reduce the risk of developing diseases such as heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. Make sure to check out VitaMonk’s guide to blood sugar levels by visiting the following link: https://www.vitamonk.com/blogs/health/guide-to-blood-sugar-levels. Here you can find out more about your blood sugar level and how it can play a major part in developing diabetes. To reduce the risk, ensure you avoid sugary drinks and deep-fried foods, as well as watching your carb intake and foods with a high glycemic load.
Managing Your Weight
For those who are struggling to shift the pounds, making simple changes to your diet can do you the world of good. Following a balanced diet enables you to keep control of your weight. If you are eating the right foods, as well as structuring in regular exercise, you should be able to maintain your weight. Also, keeping an eye on your weight and opting for healthier options can lower your blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Instead of opting for a fad diet that may see you put on more weight in the end, it’s best to stick to a diet that’s healthy and balanced.
Improving Mental Health
Getting the right levels of minerals and nutrients in your diet is essential for your mental health. If you suffer with anxiety and depression, there are various ways on how you can look after yourself such as by eating well. Try and avoid drinking too much caffeine as it can have a negative effect on your mental wellbeing. Instead, swap the caffeine for water, helping to keep you hydrated and focused. Also, following a healthy diet may improve your memory too.
Better Skin and Hair
Following a balanced diet can also be great for your skin and hair. There are a range of foods that you should incorporate into your diet including oily fish such as salmon, which is filled with protein and vitamin D. What’s more, salmon contains omega-3 fatty acids which helps to promote hair growth and a healthy scalp. Other foods that can provide nourishment for your skin, nails and hair include avocados, eggs, tomatoes, and nuts.
Strong Bones and Teeth
Following a diet that is rich in calcium can be fantastic for keeping your teeth and bones strong, as well as slowing down osteoporosis (bone loss) which is commonly linked with ageing. While calcium is typically linked with dairy products, there are a variety of foods which you can get your calcium fix from, including sardines, dark green vegetables, fruit juices and cereals. It’s also important to get vitamin D into your diet to help your body absorb calcium. To do this, ensure you spend time outside so your body can receive vitamin D from the sun as well as eating foods such as oily fish.
Making small changes to your diet can make a massive difference in your overall health. Avoiding sugary drinks and foods and replacing them with a plethora of fruits and vegetables can help keep you on track and ensure you are adhering to a healthy balanced diet. Not only can it help control your weight, you can reduce the risk of developing diabetes. While it may seem initially daunting to change your diet, you will soon see a huge difference in your mental and physical well-being, helping you to lead a long and healthy life. Thanks for reading and till next post!