Happy Pinay Mommy

Guest Post: 6 Amazing Habits Your Child Must Adopt

At this day and age of too much distractions it is getting more difficult to encourage children to develop more positive habits. The fast paced world had most glued on their digital devices, and most activities have to be social media worthy to be considered worth their time. But do we want to raise children like such?

Today’s guest post discussed just that and what instead can we as parents to do enable our children to develop more positive habits. So without further ado, here’s the guest post from Lara of Scooter Scouter.

Spend time not money: 6 Amazing Habits Your Child Must Adopt

By: Lara Stewart

Raising children is not easy and demands time and responsibility. It is not enough to just buy them expensive toys and devices which they can spend their time on because these habits are harmful and will only spoil your children’s routine. You should focus on spending your time rather than money because that has more value. Here are six habits your child should adopt:


Reading is a habit that will help yourchild in more ways than you can know. It will not only improve the reading skill but also develops the stamina for reading, which other people might difficult to do. The best way to make your children love reading is to make it a part of their playtime and bedtime routine.

Choose the kind of books that would make reading a treat for your kids. Make it a daily habit and maintain it, otherwise there is no use. Reading will also help build the children’s self-esteem, and develop their imagination, vocabulary, and creativity. Your relationship and communication with the children will also improve.

Scooting In The Evening

The best outdoor activity in the evenings is perhaps riding around on a scooter. This not only proves to be a very enjoyable activity but it also serves as a kind of exercise for the children. You can read more about scooters here.

Have a Healthy Diet

It is not uncommon that all kids are attracted towards junk food which has zero nutritional value. It is your job to control that urge and make them understand that healthy food is far better than fast food. Include vegetables and fruits in their diet plan and while you are at it, try to eat healthy yourself so you can set a better example.

Enjoy Family Meals

Taking out time for yourself and your family in today’s busy lie is challenging, but necessary. Make it a daily routine to eat dinner together so you can all spend some time of the day together and your children do not feel distant. Your children will start getting more comfortable and will feel like they can talk to you about anything. This habit will also help the kids in eating healthy food with their parents.

Spending Time With Friends

Friendship is vital especially during childhood as at that time we all need our safe space and good friends can prove to be a good support system. Spending time with friends will have a positive impact as it will teach children to socialize and improve their communication skills and confidence level, not to mention the best memories are always made when you are with your friends.

Observing Proper Sleep Schedule

Having proper sleep especially at a young age is essential for mental and physical growth. Encourage your child to go to bed early so they can wake up early and stay fresh. Insufficient sleep will result in your kid being sleepy and tired all day with their day being wasted.
Having these habits will improve a number of skills and will aid in your children’s healthy growth.

About the Author:

Lara Stewart is a fitness expert and gym owner. She is obsessed with physical health as well as healthy eating. She has in-depth knowledge about the fitness needs of the body and how one can stay healthy on a budget. She regularly posts at Scooter Scouter.

So there you have it, hope you have somehow been inspired by Lara’s write-up. If you would like to share anything with our fellow mommies — an essay, a porm, an open letter or a list of tips, just get in touch with me through email or any of our social media channels. You do not need to have your own website to contribute a write up 😊

Till next post!

A Happy Homemaker is a Happy Pinay Mommy!

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