Happypinaymommy.com has always been supportive of mothers who choose to work from home, either full time or part time to help support the family. We in fact have a dedicated section here – which gives ideas on where to find work from home opportunities, what side business endeavors we can do to augment the family income, and to celebrate the successes of our work at home moms through feature stories.
And this is why when Mari approached me about sharing her ideas here for mommy freelancers, I said yes, because I know this can help all of us who try to make a living while caring for our little ones 24/7.
So without further ado, here’s our guest post on:

Necessity the Mother of Invention: Financial Solutions for Stay-at-Home Freelancer Moms
By: Mari Bunal
Breastfeeding in public, staying up all night to become a soothing machine, giving daily baths when your infant looks too fragile to even lightly touch — these are only few challenges that mothers of today face. Raising a child (or children) is a significant learning curve for all women. Mastering soiled diapers is one thing, but dealing with the emotional impediments that come with motherhood is a more complicated matter.
Count yourself lucky if these are the only stumbling blocks of consequence you can find on your path. Some mothers out there have to struggle between being the sole breadwinner and primary caregiver. By then, going back to an eight-to-five job is no longer an option. If you find yourself in the same situation, freelancing may be solution for you. Working from home can save you money on childcare and give you the freedom to become a full time mother. Excited to say goodbye to your regular job and enjoy the benefits of freelancing? Check out the following financial solutions to start:
Save up at least half a year’s worth of salary.
The first few weeks of opening a business will be the most costly. You need to buy materials that are necessary to start operating. You will pay up money to get to spread good words about your business. Advertising does not come cheap, not if you want to give your competitors a scare.
Create a feasible plan and set targets.
A good business plan will clarify what you intend to achieve within a certain period of time. It gives a vision of where you want to go, how you can adjust your products and services to adapt to changes in the market, and whether or not you have enough to go forward. A feasible one will help get the attention of administrators who fund small scale businesses, giving them the impression of whether or not your plan has potential.
Know where to get your capital.
You may need to borrow money to finance your startup. One of your options is to apply for a personal loan. With flexible terms, you can enjoy low monthly interest rates while you get the cash you need in less than a week. You can also go for cash advance using your credit card. If you have good credit history, you will have easy access to money up to your maximum limit.
Establish a working space at home.
Your productivity and effectivity will be greatly influenced by how organized and work-conducive your working environment is. It will be especially difficult being around toddlers, so train your kids to be quiet when someone is on the phone with you. Make them understand that when you are in your space, they are not allowed to disturb you. Invest in a comfortable chair, good lighting and ergonomic storage systems.
Freelancing can replace your full-time job while allowing you to be with your kids, giving you the best of both worlds. It may scare you at first, giving up a regular income for something unpredictable. But the difficulties will only be there at the start up. Once you learn the ropes, you will not settle for anything less than calling yourself your own boss.
Mari writes for Loansolutions to help educate people in making informed-decisions on taking out loans and becoming responsible borrowers. Being the COO, she feels it is her social responsibility to do so. Learn more from her as she shares tips, advises and stories on finance. Also, she’s fond of 9GAG, so you might read some random stuff over here.
So there you have it, I hope you have learned a lot from Mari’s article.
To my dear readers, let me know if you would like to contribute an article, a poem, or even a song you composed, so that we can share it with our fellow moms – this goes whether you have or you do not have your own website. You may get in touch with me by dropping by my Facebook page. Hope you can also hit the like button while you are there so you can receive regular updates from Happypinaymommy.com direct on your newsfeed.
Thank you so much!
A Happy Homemaker is a Happy Pinay Mommy!
Leaving you with this video on being a work-from-home-mom:
Happypinaymommy’s Filipino Weekly Menu Plan for Nov 21-28, 2016