Happy Pinay Mommy

Guest Post: The importance of toys in educating kids

Guest post on toys and learning.
Guest post on toys and learning.
Teaching through play will always be one of the best ways to cultivate learning. We have all gone through childhood and im sure most of you, fellow moms will agree that learning through toys and games have been the most enjoyable. At the same time, these educational game sets have been more informative for children and tend to encourage a higher retention of the lesson.
Today’s guest post is all about how toys help our children learn, as well as toys you may want to keep an eye on as you buy stuff for your children. So withour further ado, here’s our guest post —

The importance of toys in educating kids

By Ashish Bist

Photo credits c/o appstruck.com
Photo credits c/o appstruck.com
Toys have been here since the beginning of civilizations. The mentions of Yo-Yo like toys can be found in the ancient pictures engraved in stones of China, Egypt, and a few more countries

But, in the last few decades, parents and toy manufacturing companies have realized the importance of these toys in educating children.

And, especially in the last decade, we have seen a surge of toys in the market that are more than a way just to pass the extra time.

If you look around, you’ll easily find toys that will help in developing a different set of skills. For example, a toy, such as a Rubik’s cube can make your kid think more logically.

Or, a world map puzzle will teach your kid about various countries and their positions, while he/she exercises his/her brain to come up with answers.

Similarly, there is toy available for almost everything you might want to teach your kid. If parents understand this fact perfectly, then they will be able to augment and supplement the education that their children get in school with the right kind of toys.

Now, we are going to look at toys that are specific to different subjects that are taught in schools.

Toys relating to school subjects

The Magic School Bus Chemistry Lab(Chemistry)

This is just one example of a chemistry set, but there are several such sets available in the market.
Chemistry like any other subject is boring until you find an interesting way to teach.

The most interesting way to teach chemistry, is through experiments. So, with this kit, your kid will learn Chemistry while mixing chemicals. Since it is a set designed specifically for kids, everything is controlled and safe for kids.

Thames & Kosmos Physics Workshop(Physics)

Thames & Kosmos Physics Workshop (Physics) Physics, like chemistry, is best taught using real science experiments for kids. This kit allows your kid to perform more than 30 experiments. As your kid goes through these experiments, he / she learns about various basic concepts of physics that can be combined together to make complex machines. For example, he will learn about gears, pulleys, pivot, wheels, axles, etc.
Learning Resources Fraction Tower Activity Set(Fraction)
Fraction is a topic that not only confuses kids but adults as well. With the help of this fraction tower activity set, your kid will enjoy solving math problems relating to fractions.

Like, other toy sets mentioned in this list, this one also turns learning into play, so your child gets educated without even realizing it.

Key Education Sentence Building(Language)

Having a good language skill will help your kid in whatever field of career she chooses. Hence, it is important to have good command over the language.

It consist of several pieces of tiles, each containing a verb/noun/pronoun/articles, etc. And, each type of words is color coded. For example, a verb tile will have a green color, and a noun tile will have a red color.

Color coding helps your kid to understand the structure of language a little better.

Osmo Pizza Co. Game(Entrepreneurship)

Parents now understand that it is better for them to be a job giver rather that job seeker, but running a business is not taught in the school.
With this Pizza co. game your kid will get an experience of how to run a pizza business, which includes making pizzas, interacting with customers, taking payments and returning the change.

You can get a simple Monopoly set. Although it appears very childish, it can surely instill a sense of entrepreneurship in your kid.

Learning Resources Code & Go Robot Mouse Activity Set(Coding)

Since the world is rapidly moving to a virtual world, there will always be a need for coders and programmers.

Unfortunately, schools don’t focus much on teaching their students the art of programming, especially when they are young.

With this activity set, a kid can learn the basics of programming without delving into the complications of syntax.

You have to program a mouse to move around a giving path using only the block codes, which makes it easy to learn.

Kano Computer Kit(Computer)

If you want your kid to learn how a computer functions, then the best way would be to build a computer.

Kano computer kit has all the basic components you need to build a computer. You do need a screen with HDMI input.

After working on this your kid will have a thorough understanding of how a computer works and he/she can use that knowledge to build a more complex computer.

Toys that your kid has during his/her childhood can make a huge difference in the overall development. Hence, it is important to select the toys carefully.
About the author: Ashish Bist is a 25 year-old computer engineer, who authors the toy blog Appstruck.com. Apart from providing toy reviews, the website also discusses the various ways each toy can help children learn.
So there you have it, hope you learned something from this week’s guest post. If you want to share something that you have originally written — a poem, an essay, a blog post or even an open letter relating to motherhood and parenting, please get in touch with me through email or any of our social media channels. You do not need to have your own blogsite to contribute a guest post. Till next time!

A happy homemaker is a Happy Pinay Mommy!


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