Happy Pinay Mommy

Guest Post: Every Child is Unique

Today’s guest post is long overdue. I have been meaning to publish this, since I have read this mommy-friend’s parenting sentiment. Upon reading, i thought a lot of mothers will be able to relate given our prevailing culture, and so I asked Mommy Reen if she could write a guest post for us. And here it goes:


This is a lengthy mother post. i just want to vent cause I wept over this the other night.

This is about my first born, in relation to his sibling and his perceived behavior.
He may not be the most behaved kid, but he is sure a good boy. He may throw tantrums and cry at the slightest provocation, but he is sure a sweet child. He may insist what he wants but with effort and patience, he can come to an understanding of what can be and cannot.
He fights with his younger brother every five minutes, but you will hear them giggling and playing the next.

EVERY CHILD IS UNIQUE. There is no point in comparing children. I hope they’d see how we, parents exhaust our whole selves trying different ways in disciplining our kids. How we try hard to remain calm despite all the chaos that is in our house. I hope they’d see all the moments we talk to our kids teaching them to be kind, well-mannered and disciplined with adults around. Children misbehaving or not acting as they “should” do not automatically make them bad kids, or us, poor parents in terms of disciplining.
It’s true that our kids turn out to be what we made them. But for toddlers like mine, they have all the time in the world to learn and grow up. They are just poor little ones who get scorned and frowned upon by people who only see the superficial.
They are just little human beings testing their limits at the expense of ours. I just don’t get why people like comparing. It’s definitely not an uplifting comment to hear. Especially NOT for a mother.
Parenting is something I am truly passionate about. I dream of raising good boys, good men. I am more than certain they will be. And I will do my best, to equip them with all that they need to stand up for themselves, on their own feet someday. For now we will continue to guide and teach them the way we know how. 🙏 I may have shortcomings, I will fail at times, but I will raise them to be the kind we’d be proud of.

I’m starting to get emotional again so I’d stop here. Haha.

Ahh, these crazy, (innocently) bratty little boys!

Nanay will never get tired of you. I love you both, no words.❤

Mommy Reen Bau describes herself as a Blessed Minister’s wife, a full time nanay, and a UP Maroon.

For those of you who may want to share your parenting story, or an open letter, a poem, or even a song that you wrote, send me a message. You do not need to have a blog or a website

for your work to be published.

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A happy homemaker is a Happy Pinay Mommy!
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