Happy Pinay Mommy

How You Can Feel Confident Again as a Mother

How You Can Feel Confident Again as a Mother
How You Can Feel Confident Again as a Mother

Motherhood is a wonderful, magical experience. Despite the magic, motherhood is also one of the most challenging times in a woman’s life. Some mothers are naturally confident in their abilities. Most mothers need a little convincing that there is a supermom just waiting to be freed from the uncertainties that they experience everyday.

Feeling uncertain isn’t all bad though. It just means that you recognize the gift and responsibility you have in helping your little bundle of joy develop into the person that he or she would want to be in the future. Don’t worry if confidence doesn’t come naturally at first. Your baby already thinks you’re the greatest. This little guide will help remind you that you are too!


People often say that your life will change dramatically once you have a child. Embrace the changes with open arms! According to Erica Komisar, author of Being There: Why Prioritizing Motherhood in The First Three Years Matter, “If you accept the slow pace of being with a baby, focus on being in the moment together, and reduce your expectations of how much you can do everyday you will be a more content and more confident mom.”


Filipinos are usually open to lending a helping hand and some tips. Don’t be afraid to ask your mother or mother-in-law for help. They’ve been through what you’re going through. Tap into their rich experience. Your partner is also there to share the responsibilities with you. All you have to do is ask.

If things get a little too overwhelming, decide if you need another person in your Mommy Dream Team. Don’t know where to start? Check out this article we wrote on Happy Pinay Mommy on hiring a yaya and househelp from local agencies.


It takes a village to raise a child… or a barangay! It’s good to have people around but you also have to be careful of the advice that you take. Keep in mind that YOU know YOUR BABY the best. Trust your intuition! It’s your own superpower.


Usually the first thing that goes out of the window when the baby comes in is the stylish woman that you used to see in the mirror. There’s nothing wrong with giving yourself even just 15 minutes a day to help yourself feel better and more confident. You can start by dressing up a bit even when you’re just doing errands. Filipino fashion label BNY Jeans suggests going back to basics because being comfortable doesn’t mean being in your daster.


Another source of worry for mothers is the need to be perfect. Don’t believe everything you see on social media. More often than not, those displays of #ParentingGoals don’t usually tell the whole story. There is no such a thing as a PERFECT mother so give yourself enough breathing space when things don’t go as planned. Letting go of the need to be perfect will make you happier and more confident.

A Happy Homemaker is a Happy Pinay Mommy!

Leaving you with a video on how to choose the best denims for your built:


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