I dont know with you but one of my challenges as a parent (and some of the other parents that I know) is to make the kids quietly sit through mass. While mine are mostly quiet, they are always either tinkering, looking about, asking questions, asking to nurse, or asking for snack or a drink of water and just being USUAL, normally curious and active kids.
Since our church (and most catholic churches we go to) do not have a kids’ area — I try my best to keep them from distracting other people (yes ive gotten a fair share of unkind stares from churchgoers who may not understand kids being kids) but one sure thing is that my children’s actions in church usually distracts me from listening in.
This has been the case Sunday after Sunday except if one or two or all three of them decide to doze off. “Is bringing them to church practical at this age, especially when the mister is out of town and you just have to do it on your own?” asks one of my friends.
Why bring babies and kids to church
Well, getting them in their car seats, driving with all the chaos, and then later on loading one in the carrier and another in the stroller and holding the hand of another all by myself while bringing a baby bag can be tiring.
Tandem nursing through the sermon or any part of the mass, constantly answering questions and serving them could all be overwhelming — but I will always, always SAY YES to this question. YES to bringing babies and young children to church. Not because i am a better mom or a model parent, but because I am trying my best to be worthy of the many graces and mercies God has given my little family.
I usually catch up with not being able to understand the sermon at times, by watching youtube uploads of the healing mass usually telecast over at CNN Philippines but uploaded over at YT six hours after. I watch the upload usually when the kids are asleep, so i could concentrate on the message.
But really, bringing them to church, instilling that habit, and showing them the importance of praise, thanksgiving, and asking the Lord for forgiveness is a crucial part of our week as a family. It would be a great achievement for me to see them do it to their own kids decades from now.
Anyway, sharing this lovely article written by a mom who also experiences the same challenge, Sunday after Sunday.
Hopefully, we mothers, no matter the stage of parenthood we are in — could support each other in bringing young kids and babies to church. Let us give grace to moms who are having a hard time getting their kids to behave. Or the mom who may be getting stressed and embarrassed because of their kids’ actuations or their baby’s colic. Let us help each other because others may not understand or choose to understand our kids being kids. We should be each other’s support group 💞
Thanks for reading up and hope you all have had a great Sunday and a safe and happy and healthy week ahead! Cheers!