Being stuck in traffic is one of the worst timesucks ever, and we all know that. I remember this facebook post i read that the best solution to EDSA traffic is to have everyone go through this traffic monster of a highway using a Zip Line. Anyway, not to be whiny or nega, but in our country, either you are stuck in heavy traffic, or stuck in the MRT queue, unless of course you have given up and you are now just working from home.
Believe me, whether you belong to Club 501 or not, most working mothers believe EDSA is robbing families of quality time. Anyway, since the solution to this is out of our hand (unless we move to a new home within walking distance to our place of work), we just have to bite the bullet and wait the heavy traffic out.
So what’s a mom to do during those idle minutes (or hours) while stuck in EDSA Traffic? And when all you can do is to watch people, stare at your smartphone, or listen to music? As a Pinay Mommy be productive during these wait times?
Here are 12 things to do while stuck in EDSA traffic or any heavy traffic location for that matter:
1. Update you things to do. For it to be more manageable, group it into tasks that are urgent, needed soon, and those that can wait.
2. Map out your meal plan for the coming week. Use the wait time to think of the meals you would like to prepare for the week to come. You can just make the list on your smartphone’s notepad, use your app if you are into that, or better yet, check these past meal plans that I come up with on a weekly basis and edit as you deem fit. If you have a data plan, or internet connectivity then why not research on recipes you may want to try.
3. Running Grocery List. List down the things you may need to buy from the grocery so that you can easily incorporate it into the weekly ones that you use during your supermarket trips.
You may also want to read:
- EDSA Is Robbing me of Family Time
- What to do when yaya permanently leaves?
- Chores your Pre-schooler can do
- How to earn legitimately from home
- How to save on grocery shopping
4. Delete videos and photos to make more space on your phone. This is one of my happy problems, I find it hard to delete photos. But since I make it a point to back up all the time, I can now freely delete the videos of my little singing diva, as well as her you tube tutorials.
5. Send the text message you have been meaning to send. Are you supposed to send an SMS to someone but keep on forgetting about it? Now is the time to send that text message because at least you ware free to reply as soon as he or she responds.
6. Keep tabs with friends and family. Send a sweet message to a friend or family member you have been out of touch lately. Messages like these brighten up someone’s day, and in turn makes you feel reconnected.
7. Make photo collages that you can send to your significant other. If you are expecting sweetness from your partner, you should not hesitate to send some his way too! And this one, out of the blue.
8. Sell things you no longer need. Do you have excess stuff in the house you want to get rid of? Why not create an account over at OLX or any similar website, and post those items! T is like hitting three birds in one stone: you get to declutter, create space, and at the same time, make money.
9. Online shopping. Or even online ‘window’ shopping. A tip to those who may not want to make the purchases, most online shopping sites have wish lists – put them there! Of course no one prevents you as well from doing serious shopping – drugstore pre-orders, dry goods/electronics and what have yous at Lazada, OLX, and other sites. It is all there!
10. Pay your bills. If you are in the comfort of your own car, then do your banking errands while you are stuck in traffic. Pay those bills you need to pay, transfer the funds you need to transfer, and load those prepaid mobile accounts of family members that need reloading.
11. Send that customer service email you have been wanting to send. Do you have any CS concern? Email it now! Or better yet troop to the company’s FB page and send them a message about your concern. On a positive note, you may also want to give them recognition if they have been doing great to keep that positive vibes rolling.
12. Food Service. Running late to prep for dinner and lunch? Call for food delivery service 20-30 minutes or so before you arrive. As they say, ‘kapit sa patalim’ narin tayong mga mommies minsan when the traffic situations gets the best of us.
Let us not allow the traffic situation to stress us out further mommies 🙂
Let’ beat the stress by trying to be productive or enjoy what could just be idle time.
You may want to check out this funny mom and baby video to destress a little bit: