Happy Pinay Mommy

What Christmas 2020 will look like for Kids

They are wonderful rewards indeed!

Hi ladies, starting the week right by appreciating one of my children.

I have been chronicling some stories about my middle child here in the blog. If you are new here, well, Siobs is my cheerful, rambunctious, yet super-duper kind daughter.

The other day, she walked up to me while I was meal planning and drawing up my grocery orders. And she told me this out of the blue:

“Mama, you don’t need to buy me a present for Christmas ha. Just save up the money. Santa’s going to give me a gift naman anyway, sayang naman ang pera.”

Little Siobs

Oh dear siobs, my tender-hearted daughter, you never fail to amaze me

In reality, children are sensitive enough to understand that times are tough these days. The lockdowns have affected the finances of many families. Even families whose businesses or work have not been affected by this ongoing pandemic, are choosing to save up and tighten their grip on their savings.

Such financial situation and the upcoming Christmas season might be putting a pressure on most parents. This is especially true if the kids are used to receiving gifts and trips and a lavish spread during the holidays.

But based from what my daughter told me, I figured that maybe we should not feel pressured. I think those of certain age can already understand that they will not receive an extravagant Christmas present this year. Explain it through a heart to heart talk. In reality, since kids are observant, they will get the gist if they see or hear you habitually trying to save up. Children four years old and below, on the other hand, hardly know what to expect yet during the holidays so they do not get disappointed too easily.

Present VS Presence

Kids are smart and sensitive creatures, and most of them would choose to spend time and play with us over those expensive gizmos we can buy them. So choose lambing time, game time, family movie time, baking day, and going under their forts with them.

Your presence is much more appreciated than presents so do not be a tad guilty! These activities tend to be remembered fondly throughout their grown up years, and even when they become parents too!

Take heart, Ladies. You are raising them well! Till next post!

A Happy Homemaker is a Happy Pinay Mommy!

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