Happy Pinay Mommy

Dramamama moment: Flashback Friday Edition

Mommy reflections
Mommy reflections

Old school kung old school. Pasukan na talaga kasi quiz days are here again. Was reviewing little Achie awhile ago and I suddenly realised why I enjoy handwriting reviewers instead of printing them.

Old-fashioned handwritten reviewers just like what my mom used to make for me.
Old-fashioned handwritten reviewers just like what my mom used to make for me.

P asked me why I refuse to print out the reviewers. Well i print some but I write most of them by hand. So why do I go through the ngawits of making reviewers by hand?

Reviewing for exams

For one, i like writing, number two maybe I missed doing reviewers for myself back in college, and number three maybe it is a tribute to my own mom. My mom painstakingly wrote reviewers in yellow pad papers for me to practice on prior to the summative tests and quarterly examinations that I would have to take when I was in grade school. She then checks it, walks me through the questions and the answers and explains to me the concepts of those that I fail to understand. Maybe I want to let achie experience a part of my childhood.

Looking back to a Happy Childhood

Well, nakakaaliw din talaga magsulat at this age of texting, typing and all. Still thrilled with drawing little semi-cute stars for tables like this. Buti nalang di pa natutuloy ang pangarap kong maging teacher, may time pa ayusin ang pag do drowing 😄
Anyway why am I posting this? Well, years from now, if IG can still be accessed by Achie when she becomes a mom, I want her to see this post. To remember our fun review sessions, unlisawayan, kaantok review times, and the handwritten test questionnaires just like I am remembering my review sessions with my own mama. ❤

And this, my friends, is my #buhaynanay and #nanayduties entry for the day. Good night and God bless everyone and here’s wishing you a restful sleep with your loved ones 💚💚💚

A happy homemaker is a happy pinay mommy!

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